(too old to reply)
2004-04-15 16:49:00 UTC
Hi List,

Is it true that Centrino's built-in wireless does not work with FreeBSD?
I am looking at getting a Centrino laptop, but of course that's out if
the wireless doesn't work...
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2004-04-15 21:38:43 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Post by j***@cs.uiowa.edu
Hi List,
Is it true that Centrino's built-in wireless does not work with FreeBSD?=
Post by j***@cs.uiowa.edu
I am looking at getting a Centrino laptop, but of course that's out if=
Post by j***@cs.uiowa.edu
the wireless doesn't work...
It works fine on 5.2-CURRENT if you use the ndis driver (aka Project
Evil). Project Evil allows you to run the native windows driver under

-- Brooks

Any statement of the form "X is the one, true Y" is FALSE.
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2004-04-16 01:31:14 UTC
In message: <***@cs.uiowa.edu>
Jason Dusek <***@cs.uiowa.edu> writes:
: Is it true that Centrino's built-in wireless does not work with FreeBSD?

No. It works with ndis w/o a problem.

2004-04-16 15:56:39 UTC
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 19:28:05 -0600 (MDT)
: Is it true that Centrino's built-in wireless does not work with FreeBSD?
No. It works with ndis w/o a problem.
It's probably worth noting that ndis (Project Evil) is available only in
CURRENT (although it can be added to 5.2.1). It is not available on
STABLE. Most developers are primarily running CURRENT these days and
it's pretty easy to forget that most of the world is afraid to run it as
it is clear declared to not be stable.

That said, laptop support in CURRENT is vastly better than in
STABLE. But laptops vary a LOT and some don't like CURRENT very
well. Suspend/resume is a particular problem as it has only recently
been addressed seriously as more general ACPI issues are resolved.

I have been running CURRENT on my everyday use laptop (IBM T30) for well
over a year and it's been running well (except for suspend/resume
issues) for some time. But I am now so used to any quirks introduced in
CURRENT that I may no longer even notice them. So, if you run CURRENT on
your laptop as a new user, you can provide valuable input on rough
spots BEFORE V5 is declared STABLE. (Hint, hint.) And I STRONGLY urge
you to subscribe to current@ and monitor it if you run CURRENT as there
are still times when you really don't want to update unless you are
willing to help debug things.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: ***@es.net Phone: +1 510 486-8634