Some questions to IBM T40
(too old to reply)
2004-06-18 15:50:56 UTC
With XFree-4, the DPMS feature seems to not work properly.
For example when typing "xset dpms force off" my former notebook
(compaq armada) turned the display off, but the thinkpad just
blanks. The X configuration is the same (since both notebooks
feature an ATI RAGE graphics card), and Option "DPMS" is
Hello Frank,

I bought recently a R51 and I have the same problem as you.
Unfortunatelay I didn't find a solution, but I haven't searched
intensely for a solution. But I think it is a X11 problem since I can
turn the display off if I switch to the console.


Oliver Fischer
2004-06-24 16:28:16 UTC

Just detected another thing that made me problems ... has anyone an
idea how to make the S-Video output available ?

With kind regards,

Frank Altpeter
FA-RIPE - ***@IRCNET - ***@ICQ
Member of the Open Business Club - http://www.openbc.com/
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|Das ist die Kraft des Nicht-Widerstehens. Das ist die Stärke des Bescheidenen
|Im Umgang mit anderen.
| -- Lao Tse, Tao Te King, ca. 500 v. Chr.